Manage Tags

From the Selection menu, you can access various options for renaming tag, setting tag groups, removing a tag from a group, changing tag color, deleting tag(s), reading tag configuration from tag, issuing temporary commands and combining and uncombining tags. These options enable you to manage the tags in your project more effectively.

Rename Tag

You can rename a tag by selecting a tag, opening the Selection menu and select Rename tag, or by double clicking the tag name and entering a new name for the tag.

Assign/Remove Tags to/from Tag Groups

To assign tags to a tag group, select the desired tags, open the Selection menu and select Set tag group.

To remove tags from a group, select the desired tags, open the Selection menu and select Remove the selected tags from tag group.

Change Tag Colour

To change tag colour, select the desired tags, open the Selection menu and select Change color.

Note: This colour overrides tag group color setting.

Delete Tags

By opening the Selection menu and selecting Delete, you can disassociate selected tags from the project (i.e. they become unknown tags for the project).

Issue Temporary Command

You can test a temporary command by selecting the tag (s), opening the Selection menu and selecting Issue temporary command. This is a convenient way of testing and validating the temporary configuration and proper behaviour of the tags.

Read Tag Configuration from Tag

To read the current configuration settings used by the tag, you can open the Selection menu and choose Read tag config from tag in the same menu.

Create Virtual Tags

Opening the Selection menu and selecting Combine tags creates a virtual tag that is treated as one tag when tracked. Virtual tag uses the position information of the combined tags to calculate the position of the virtual tag. This can improve the positioning accuracy and reliability of location estimate of the tag.