Some of Quuppa's technical documentation is also available in languages other than English. You can find the translated content here.
Important: Please note that any and all translations provided are unofficial
translations. In case of discrepancies between the English language originals and
the translated documents, the original English document versions prevail and shall
be applicable.
Chinese - 中文
- Quuppa Development Kit Quick Start Guide: Quuppa 开发工具包快速入门指南
- Q17 Locator Installation Guide: Q17 安装指南和安全信息
- Q35 Locator Installation Guide: Q35 安装指南和安全信息
Japanese - 日本語
- Quuppa Development Kit Quick Start Guide: Quuppa 開発キット クイックスタートガイド
- Q17 Locator Installation Guide: Q17 設置ガイドおよび安全情報
- Q35 Locator Installation Guide: Q35ロケーター設置ガイドおよび安全情報
Korean - 한국어
- Q17 Locator Installation Guide: Q17 설치 가이드 및 안전 정보
- Q35 Locator Installation Guide: Q35 Locator 설치 가이드 및 안전 정보
Russian - русский
- Q17 Installation Guide: Руководство по установке локатора Q17 и информация по технике безопасности
- Q35 Installation Guide: Руководство по установке локатора Q35 и информация по технике безопасности