Run the Simulator
In the panel on the right, click the Simulator settings
button. This panel is only visible when a Simulator Path has been selected.
Tip: Another way to navigate to the Simulator setting is to select the project folder in the object tree on the left (topmost object in the tree) and then select the Simulator tab in the panel that opens on the right.
In the Simulator settings panel that opens, set the Target
IP address to the IP address of the computer that is running the
Quuppa Positioning Engine (QPE). In the image below, the local IP address has been has been selected, but for larger simulations, remember that
we recommend running the QPE and the QSS on different machines to avoid
excessive CPU load.
Note: If you don't need the connection to the QPE at this stage, e.g. you just want some preliminary information about your project configurations and system requirements, you can also proceed without an IP address.
Select the license type that you would like to simulate. By default, the
license type is set to PRO, but you can also choose PRO+ or ULTRA to test the
different licenses available for Quuppa systems.
Click the Start Simulator button.
Tip: Alternatively, you can use command line to start running the simulator using this command:
java -Djava.awt.headless=true -DrunSimulator -Dproject=/your/project/folder -Dip= -jar ~/QuuppaSitePlanner-[xxx].jar
Edit the -Dproject= parameter to point to your project folder and update the Quuppa Site Planner version number, [xxx], to match the version that you are using before running the command.
The Simulator Status Window will open (with bigger projects it might take up to
a couple of minutes). The simulation results shown in this window will help you
assess performance and system requirements for actual deployments.
We recommend that you pay particular attention to the Recommended minimum CPUas this will help you to assess the type of hardware required for the size of deployment that you are planning. Click the See QPE hardware recommendations link to read more about our hardware recommendations.
Note: In the image above, the QPE status is No connection. This is because the QPE has not been started yet (this will be done in the next section). Nonetheless, the available data is already valuable for evaluating things like Locator placement choices and air interface load settings.This window can also be used to send simulated Tag button press commands as well as your own Developer specific data to the QPE if you are running the QPE in simulator mode.