Typical TX Power and Rate

Tag configuration parameters should always be set a specific use case and environment in mind. There are some typical and recommended TX power levels and rates depending on the environment type and anticipated tag movement. These recommendations are shown in the table below, and are intended as a good starting point for the setup.

Table 1. Typical recommended TX Power
Environment TX power
Indoor (confined / semi-confined area type)

High (0)

Outdoor (open area type)

Maximum (6)

Table 2. Typical recommended TX Rate
Tag movement TX rate
Static 0.1-0.20 Hz
Slow (walking speed) 2-4 Hz
Moderate (jogging) 5-9 Hz
Fast (running or cycling) 17-33 Hz (only available in Temporary state)
Super fast (e.g. ice hockey puck, football) 50 Hz (only available in Temporary state)