Setting up the Development Kit

First things first, you will need to set up your Development Kit system. Once this is done, you will have access to all the necessary Quuppa software via the desktop of the Quuppa Controller computer (QPE Server in the picture below).

Note: Quuppa recommends that the Dev-Kit network should be independent of your local site network.
  1. Connect the screen, keyboard, mouse and the PoE switch to the Quuppa Controller.

    Note: The Focusing Locator should only be connected in this way for the simplicity of the Dev-Kit. It should normally be used when connected to the Ethernet port of a dedicated laptop running the QSP software.
  2. Turn the PoE Switch on.
  3. Connect the Focusing Locator to the PoE Switch. (Although, in practice, the Focusing Locator is normally connected to a laptop running the QSP software)
  4. Start up the Quuppa Controller.
  5. Log in to the Quuppa Controller as:
    • Username: DemoUser
    • Password: QuuppaDemo
    Important: When you log into the Quuppa Controller for the first time, you will be asked to create a new password for DemoUser. Write this new password down! Quuppa cannot reset the password later. You will first need to enter the original password before entering a new password.
    Note: The Quuppa Controller uses the UK keyboard as the default setting.
  6. Connect the Quuppa Controller to the internet, either via Wi-Fi or the USB-to-Ethernet adapter.
    Important: Do not use the built-in Ethernet connection for internet connectivity.
  7. Update the Quuppa Controller, just to make sure that you are running the latest version. To do so, double-click the Update Controller icon on the desktop.

    This will open the terminal window, which will prompt you to enter the following information:

    1. The DemoUser password (the Quuppa Controller password).
      Note: The password characters will not show as you type them. This is a Linux security property.
    2. Your Quuppa Customer Portal username. (
    3. Your Quuppa Customer Portal password.
    4. The 2-factor authentication password if you have it enabled. If not, just press Enter to continue.

    The update will begin. Once done, the terminal window will close.

  8. If you are using a background image (e.g. a floor plan of the deployment area) as a visual reference for your project, import the background image to the Quuppa Controller (e.g. using a USB stick or email).