Run Binary Logs on a QPE

The Quuppa binary data is useful for analysing, optimising and troubleshooting Quuppa systems. One method of accessing this data is through the QPE. This section will walk you through how to set up the QPE to listen for binary data from the Quuppa Site Planner (QSP) and run those logs so that you can access them.

Run Binary Logs on a QPE

  1. Set the -DbinaryLogMode java startup parameter for the QPE.

    For Ubuntu systems:

    1. Using the terminal window, open the file that defines the Java startup parameters, e.g. with the following command if you are using the typical Quuppa setup:
      sudo nano /usr/share/tomcat9/bin/
    2. Add the -DbinaryLogMode parameter to the file by editing the JAVA_OPTS=”” line:
      export JAVA_OPTS=”-DbinaryLogMode -XX:+UseZGC -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=70 -XX:-ZUncommit -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dproject.folder=/opt/quuppa/PE”
    3. Save and exit the file.
    4. Start the QPE.
  2. For versions 8.5 and above, check that the working directory for the QPE contains the following files:

    • .quuppaproject

    • .qlicense

    For older versions, check that the working directory for the QPE contains the following files:

    • .quuppaproject
    • .quuppalicense
    • .quuppalicensesignature

    You can find these files in the same folder where binary logs are located.

  3. Edit the project file as needed using the QSP.
  4. Open the terminal window and navigate to the folder where the QSP file is located.
  5. Edit the following command according to your setup (see the table below for Additional Parameter Definitions):
    java -Dfile=<path to your binarylogfile> -DbinaryLogReader -Dip=<your target QPE IP address> -Dspeed=<desired speed> -Dloop -XX:+UseZGC -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=70 -jar <name of your QSP tool file>

    Please see our Java Virtual Machine Startup Parameters document for more information about the startup parameters.

  6. Run the modified command to start feeding the data from the QSP to the QPE, for example:
    java -Dfile=/home/demouser/Downloads/RetailBinTest -DbinaryLogReader -Dip= -Dspeed=1.0 -Dloop -XX:+UseZGC -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=70 -jar QuuppaSitePlanner-7.2.3.jar
  7. Go to the QPE Web Console of your target QPE to check that the data is coming through. The recorded data should now be visible in the Map view.
    Note: Locator and tag log files generated while the QPE is running using the -DbinaryLogMode parameter are stored in a folder marked with the _fromBinaryLog suffix.

Additional Parameter Definitions

Parameter Definition
-Dfile The folder where your binary log files are located
-DbinaryLogReader Sets the QSP into the reading mode
-Dip The target IP address for the QPE (127.0.01 being localhost)
-Dspeed The speed of the replay (0.1-5.0), where 1 is normal speed and 2 is double speed
-Dloop (optional) Loops the replay