Q17 Locator Indicator Light

The table below shows the different Locator modes as indicated by the Locator's indicator light.

Table 1. Q17 Locator Modes
Colour Sequence Sequence Description Indicator Light Mode
Blink red - green - blue once Reboot sequence
Static red Locator powered, no IP address
Long red blink followed by a yellow blink Locator powered, level indicator warning triggered
Blinking red Locator connected to network

Blinking red - yellow

Locator connected to network, level indicator warning triggered
Blinking blue Locator in deployment mode

Blinking blue - yellow

Locator in deployment mode, level indicator warning triggered
Static blue Locator in tracking mode
Long blue blink followed by a yellow blink Locator in tracking mode, level indicator warning triggered
Blinking white Locator firmware upgrade in progress
Blink red twice, pause and repeat Locator subscription not valid
Off Optional indicator light state for tracking mode
Static red followed by static green Focusing Locator waiting for connectivity
Blinking green Focusing Locator
Static green Focusing Locator in focusing mode