Save Lives with Real-time Location System in Healthcare

Monitoring the location of every patient, doctor and asset in real time enables hospitals to respond faster, operate more smoothly and provide better care to patients.

Location-based healthcare solutions offer a wide range of benefits, from saving lives to improving user experience and patient care.

Talk to our RTLS Experts

Quuppa RTLS Benefits for Healthcare

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Faster & better care

  • Respond quickly to patients and monitor patient roaming
  • Prevent patient misidentification, falls or medication errors
  • Monitor hand hygiene compliance
  • Prevent the spread of infections through alerts, contact tracing and quarantine monitoring
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Enhanced safety

  • Control Access and automatically open doors for authorised personnel
  • Prevent unauthorised visitors or child abductions
  • Enhanced emergency response
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Smooth & cost-effective processes

  • Facilitate ER patient triage and management
  • Manage Inventories: automate counts, monitor and maintain optimal temperatures, alert of the medication expiry date
  • Optimise workflows, routes and layouts
  • Prevent asset overlapping by tracking assets and digitising work orders


Quuppa RTLS Use Case Guide for Healthcare

Transforming Healthcare
with Quuppa RTLS

Use location-based services to streamline workflows and optimise processes effortlessly:

  • Easily locate medical equipment and manage secure crash carts.
  • Maximise space utilisation, especially in Emergency Rooms.
  • Monitor patient safety with features such as Wander management.
  • Ensure infection prevention and hand hygiene compliance.

For comprehensive insights and more real-world applications, explore our new RTLS Use Case Guide for Healthcare. Download it now and discover the possibilities.

Download the Guide

Real Stories. Real Results.

Stavanger University Hospital Transforms Patient Care with Haltian and Quuppa IoT Solutions

Stavanger University Hospital improves patient care and operational efficiency with Haltian’s IoT sensor devices and Quuppa’s real-time positioning system. By optimising the use of space and equipment, the hospital expects to make significant cost savings while ensuring patient safety.

Personnel tracking during MCI training at Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD)

Heidelberg University Hospital conducted a large-scale mass casualty incident (MCI) simulation to test the preparedness and effectiveness of their emergency response protocols. The excercise, involving 100 mock patients and 140 staff, used advanced tracking technology to gain insights and improve medical response strategies across Europe.

Case Study: University of Fukui Hospital

The University of Fukui hospital improves hand hygiene procedures by 300%.

Key Features

  • Sub-meter accuracy for following hand hygiene compliance
  • Real-time Positioning for preventing child abduction
  • Open Tag Design for trackable wristbands
  • Open API for easy integration with hospital management system
  • Use as an IoT Gateway to e.g. monitor vital signs.

At Stavanger Hospital, a Haltian Empathic Building, real-time health systems is not about monitoring equipment and patients, it’s about tracking progress towards better care.

Let’s Explore the Value of Location

Quuppa Explorer Tool will show you the benefits of using indoor positioning. By defining your industry, use cases and the number of tracked assets, you will get an estimate of the potential results that you can expect by taking our location technology into use.

Give it a try!

Our Premium Healthcare Partners

Our industry-leading solution partners leverage Quuppa RTLS technology to deliver a range of indoor positioning solutions that can transform your healthcare operation.

Interested to learn more about solutions for Healthcare – Let’s talk!