Run the QPE in Deployment Mode

The QPE's deployment mode is used to deploy (identify and focus) Locators into the Quuppa system. This document will walk you though how to start the QPE in the deployment mode.


In order to start deploying and commissioning the Locators into your system, will need the following Quuppa software:

  • The latest version of the Quuppa Site Planner (QSP) software installed onto a laptop. The latest version can be downloaded from our Quuppa Customer Portal here.

    Tip: We recommend that you purchase the Quuppa Software Maintenance package for your Locator subscriptions so that you always have access to the latest software and firmware versions, including the newest updates, fixes and features. Run any available updates before deploying the Quuppa system.

It’s also a good idea to get familiar with deployment steps by reviewing the instructions here before you get started.

Deployment Mode for Online Systems - QPE 6.2.1 and Above

From software release 6.2.1 onwards, activate the QPE deployment mode by following these steps:

  1. Open the QPE Web Console

  2. Click on the Start in Deployment Mode in the QPE Mode row on the main page

The QPE should start in deployment mode after this and you can begin deploying your Locators.

Deployment Mode for Online Systems - Earlier QPE Versions

For software releases before 6.2.1, the project key will also be needed to start the QPE in deployment mode. To activate the deployment mode in these cases, follow these steps:
  1. Submit your project file to the Quuppa Customer Portal

  2. Log in to the Quuppa Customer Portal and copy the project key for the project

  3. Open the QPE Web Console

  4. Click on the Set Key button in the Current Key row

  5. Enter the project key that you copied in step 2 and click the Submit button

  6. Click on the Start in Deployment Mode in the QPE Mode row on the main page

    Note: Only use these steps if upgrading the software version is not possible. The latest version provides access to the latest features, updates and fixes and so we always recommended updating to the latest available version if possible. To get access to the newest version, please purchase the Quuppa software maintenance package.

Deployment Mode for Offline Systems - QPE 6.2.1 and Above

From software release 6.2.1 onwards, activate the QPE deployment mode by following these steps:

  1. Open the QPE Web Console

  2. Click on the Start in Deployment Mode in the QPE Mode row on the main page

Note: From software release 6.2.1 onwards, the deployment mode doesn’t require an internet connection to synchronize with the Quuppa Customer Portal.

Once the system has been commissioned, you will need to download the project file from the Quuppa Customer Portal. The simplest way to do this is to enable a temporary internet connection for the QPE server for the duration of the download. After this, the Start in tracking mode button should become available.

Note: By default, the QPE can run offline for up to 48 hours. If you need the system to run completely offline, you will need to purchase the Quuppa offline module separately. This will allow the QPE to continue running offline after the first 48 hours.

Deployment Mode for Offline Systems - Earlier QPE Versions

In order to commission a Quuppa system offline for software releases before 6.2.1, the Quuppa Offline module will need to be purchased separately and enabled. Please contact your Quuppa Sales representative or designated Quuppa Sales Engineer for more details about the offline module.

To activate the deployment mode in these cases, follow these steps:

  1. Submit your project file to the Quuppa Customer Portal

  2. Log in to the Quuppa Customer Portal, go the Project Key Details page and click on the Download project file link

  3. Save the downloaded file in to the QPE server’s QPE folder

  4. Open the QPE Web Console

  5. Click on the Start in Deployment Mode in the QPE Mode row on the main page

Steps 2-3 will need to be repeated every time you make an update to the project using the QSP.

Note: Only use these steps if upgrading the software version is not possible. The latest version provides access to the latest features, updates and fixes and so we always recommended updating to the latest available version if possible. To get access to the newest version, please purchase the Quuppa software maintenance package.